Archeotransfert, which is part of Adera, participated in 3D-ICONS by providing content and technology.
Located in Bordeaux, Archéotransfert benefits the technical capacity of Archeovision, the Université de Bordeaux III 3D platform which is funded by the CNRS (the national digital infrastructure for research and education) and the Conseil régional d’Aquitaine.
Archeotransfert’s mission is to established a true gateway between the different areas of research, industrial partners and directors of museographic project in order to valorise the knowledge and know-how of the researcher in offering to the municipalities and companies different services about the latest and state of the art 3D technologies applied to the archaeological and cultural heritage. This is why, since 2004, Archéotransfert is actively involved with the research and academic world and has led more than a hundred 3D projects, at regional, national and international level, integrating researchers, computers scientists, museum professionals and entrepreneurs. Projects include the Circus Maximus scientific restitution – which has been integrated in the Rome Reborn project –, V-City and also ATON 3D and Usines 3D, funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR).
Archéotransfert also helps developing pioneering technologies for 3D acquisition and 3D modelling, and organizing dissemination activities like Virtual Retrospect, an international colloquium held every two years in Bordeaux since 2003 about the use of 3D in archaeological work. It also takes part in developing the sustainability strategy to preserve all these 3D materials in the Centre de Ressources Numériques 3D du TGE-Adonis.