CYI, Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation, Cyprus participated in 3D-ICONS as a content provider.
The Cyprus Institute is a novel research and educational institution with a scientific and technological orientation. It is being developed under the stewardship of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation, the Board which comprises prominent international academic, political and entrepreneurial personalities. The Cyprus Institute is strongly supported by the Government of Cyprus, viewing its establishment and advancement as important to its overall policy of transforming Cyprus into a regional centre for research and education and in implementing the EU-Lisbon strategy. Research is carried in cross-disciplinary Centers that address problems of great scholarly relevance, global significance and regional focus. Shared infrastructures incorporating state of the art technology support the research activities of all Centers. The research center to be involved in the project is The Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center (STARC). It is devoted to the development, introduction and use of advanced science and technologies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. Its research activities have a strong multi-disciplinary approach, through collaboration agreements and joint activities with leading institutions in the region and synergies with other Centers of the Cyprus Institute, towards the enhancement of knowledge regarding the Cultural Heritage of the region through new ways of reasoning with information technologies, natural and material sciences. Research topics derive from a use-inspired basic research approach. They include:
- Digital Heritage, Digital documentation and semantics, scientific visualization and virtual reality methods;
- Natural and Material Sciences applied to Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Diagnostics for conservation, such as chemical and physical analyses for the preservation of heritage items;
- Underwater and maritime archaeology technology.