FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy participated in 3D-ICONS by providing content and technology.
The Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) of Trento (Italy) is a research organization conducting studies in the areas of Information Technology, Materials and Microsystems as well as a small branch devoted to religious sciences and italian-german studies. Founded in 1962, FBK has nowadays more than 350 researchers and developers and received 13 EU projects in the first and second call of the VII framework. FBK is also serving as educational centre with Master and PhD programs in agreement with national and international universities.
The 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) research unit of FBK is devoted to sensor and data integration as well as the development of automated procedure in 3D modeling issues. 3DOM has a consolidate know-how acquired developing different metrology software and methodologies based on terrestrial, UAV, aerial and satellite photogrammetry as well as on 3D modeling systems based on triangulation and time-of-flight range sensors (laser scanners). The 3DOM unit is dealing with geo-referenced and geospatial data analysis, 3D monitoring and modeling of landscapes, environmental change detection, man-made structures digital reconstruction, derivation of metric and semantic information from images and range data, mapping and surveying, geomatics algorithms design and implementation, thermal studies and analysis, GIS and cartography applications, cultural heritage documentation and digital preservation.